Plasma JSC
Ar-Kr   CO     He-Cd   He-Ne   Nitrogen

Gas Lasers:

Helium-Neon Lasers

We pride ourselves in being the first to develop industrial prototype of He-Ne laser in Russia. Our many-year expertise and unique technological base enabled us to develop more than 50 models of devices of this class which successfully operate in various industrial installations and medical apparatus worldwide.

Our laser are distinguished for:

compact size and low weight
stability of radiation parameters
low noise level
high degree of polarization
reliability and long life

Due to complete absence of mechanical stresses in the structural elements lasers offer stable operation under prolonged action of unfavorable mechanic and climatic factors.

The systems are completed with power supplies of industrial and built-in versions supplied from conventional AC mains. At a buyer's option the lasers can be delivered with DC power supplies. The devices are produced in various modifications forming four basic lines.

Visible lasers ranging in power from 0,5 to 100 mW
Stabilized He-Ne lasers
Multi-wavelength He-Ne lasers
IR lasers
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Copyright © 2001 Sirdi International
Last modified: November 12, 2001