Research & Development Institute
is the largest laser center in Russia. The Institute was founded in
1962. In 1999 POLYUS RDI received the status of Federal State Unitary
The main lines of activities of the Institute are development and
production of solid-state lasers and devices on their basis,
semiconductor lasers of various types and transmitting-receiving modules
for FOCs, laser gyros, laser medical and industrial systems, components
of laser systems. Owing to the multistructure orientation, POLYUS RDI has
retained its leading positions among high-tech enterprises during the
market reforms in Russia. At present the Institute numbers more than
1400 specialists including 800 engineers, technologists and scientists.
Among them are 2 academicians, 17 doctors of sciences and more than 100
candidates of sciences.
In recent years the development work at the Institute has concentrated
on creation of functionally complete devices and components having
concrete users. The restructuring of the scientific staff proceeds in
the same direction. As a consequence, the volume of orders in the
internal market of Russia grows, and the export part is steadily half
the volumes of orders of POLYUS RDI.
The production
base of POLYUS RDI provides all basic technologies necessary for
development and manufacturing of products of quantum electronics. These
are high-temperature Czochralski growth of active and nonlinear
crystals, gaseous-phase epitaxy of semiconductor structures and future
technologies for development of semiconductor laser chips, advanced
technologies for deposition of thin-film antireflection and
beam-splitting coatings, vacuum technologies. In recent years it has
been possible to introduce also such new progressive processes as
ion-beam deposition of mirrors and production of structures for
high-brightness LEDs.
The combination
of high technologies available at POLYUS RDI the powerful scientific
school for lasers and laser technologies, the experience of many years
in scientific research and development work allow the Institute to be
among the world leaders in this field.
Today we offer for export more than 300 models of various types of
lasers, devices and equipment for different applications on their basis.
The POLYUS's products are manufactured at 5 Russian plants, and our
possibilities go beyond the production presented in our Web-site. POLYUS
RDI is able to offer a wide range of applied scientific research,
development work and engineering services to the users.
The development and production of devices based on solid-state and
semiconductor lasers have been carried out at POLYUS RDI for more than
two decades. A number of models of Nd:YAG laser rangefinders has been
developed. The recently developed rangefinders use eye-safe lasers at
1.54 mm. Based on pulsed semiconductor lasers, velocimeters/rangefinders
providing an accuracy of several centimeters it a range up to 1 km have
been developed and are produced serially.
More than 50 models of pulsed solid-state lasers (with a pulse energy up
to 1 J or a pulse repetition rate up to 400 Hz at an energy of 40 mJ)
and CW solid-state lasers (with an output power up to 2 kW) are produced
for such applications as metrology, location, industrial systems for
welding, cutting, marking.
Based on solid-state lasers, systems for manufacturing souvenirs (making
a pattern in the bulk glass), laser medical systems for surgery,
ophthalmology, cosmetology (laser epilators) have been developed. The
main trends in the field of laser equipment are creation of compact
multifunctional systems and development of new technologies. To develop
solid-state lasers, the production of rods and nonlinear elements for
solid-state lasers has been organized at POLYUS RDI.
The production processes for growth, thermal treatment, optical
treatment and deposition of dielectric and current-conducting coatings
necessary for making modem laser rods, nonlinear elements electrooptic
and passive Q-switches have been developed and introduced into
As a result of combined research, the range of lasers has been broadened
and their lasing performance has been improved. Besides Nd:YAG and
Nd:YAP crystals, the production of Er, Ho, Tu, Cr:GSGG, ISGG, YAG and
YAP, crystals operating within an eye-safe range of 1.5...2.1 mm has
been organized. Of great interest are Cr4+ :YAG laser rods
that allow tunable generation within 1.4... 1.6 mm. Another active
material developed at POLYUS R&DI to produce tunable generation and
mode-locked generation is Ti:sapphire.
For diode-pumped solid-state lasers, microlaser elements have been
developed that combine active and passive property (microchip lasers).
New passive Q-switches based on transparent glassceramics doped with Co+2
ions have been developed for eye-safe solid-state Er+3: glass
laser at 1.5 mm.
The KTP crystals developed at POLYUS RDI provide a frequency-doubling
efficiency more than 50% and about the same slope efficiency in
parametric generation.
The photoreceiving devices being developed at POLYUS RDI are the most
important part of the devices and systems where laser radiation serves
as a main information carrier (rangefinders, locators, gyros,
communication systems, etc.).
One of the recent development works in this field was development of a
highly sensitive photoreceiving device for the eye-safe rangefinder at
l.54 mm. One of the leading lines in the POLYUS RDI activities is
development and production of semiconductor lasers. More than 40 models
of semiconductor lasers have been developed and are produced. In this
area POLYUS RDI is also the leading scientific center in Russia. The use
of quantum-well structures has allowed broadening of the spectral range
of semiconductor lasers from 0.8 to 1.6 mm. A conventional feature of
such diodes is a high degree of polarization of generated radiation. By
now CW laser diodes up to 2W based on the quantum-well structures have
been developed. The efficiency of such diodes is 35...40%. The pulsed
laser diodes based on quantum-well structures provide an optical power
of 20...23 W at a pulse width of 100...130 ns, a pulse repetition rate
of 5...20 kHz and a pump current no more than 40A.
Now POLYUS RDI completes the development of the domestic technology for
manufacturing epitaxial wafers for high-brightness red and yellow LEDs
and organizes their serial production. In this case the MOCVD technology
is required, which is widely used at POLYUS RDI for production of a wide
range of epitaxial structures for laser diodes including those based on
The third leading line in the development work at POLYUS RDI is laser
gyroscopy for civil aviation. At present the accuracy of laser gyros
lies in the range from 0.01°/h (the linearly polarized KM-11-1A with
the resonator made of precision prisms using high-frequency excited
discharge) to 1°/h (compact circularly polarized laser gyros with
magnetooptic bias using dc-excited discharge).
Laser gyros find application where their unique properties can be used
most fully (the absence of moving mechanical parts, short readiness
time, enhanced strength and resistance to mechanical and climatic
action, higher potential accuracy and lower cost with comparable weight
and overall dimensions).
Today POLYUS RDI is one of the leading Russian enterprises in the field
of laser medical equipment. Many Russian clinics are equipped with the
systems for surgery and ophthalmology developed at POLYUS RDI. The
further work is carried out in the directions of development of laser
equipment and its introduction into cardiology and physiotherapy,
urology, oncology, phthisiology, surgery (more compact equipment, new
wavelengths), dermatology, ophthalmology (including equipment based on
semiconductor lasers).
The integrated use of the recent advances of the Institute in the field
of laser engineering makes it possible to develop competitive high-tech
laser medical equipment and to provide its wide introduction into
medical practice.
The high scientific and technological standard of POLYUS's products and
active work in the field of external economic activity allows us to
export our products, the results of investigations and development work,
engineering services to various countries of Europe, Asia and America.